New monument honoring first black U.S. Marines is unveiled at Camp Lejeune
Melba Moore & NWVU Meet & Greet AND Fundraiser
Vietnam Wall scaled replica comes to Soldier Field June 2016
The United States Marine Corps invites you visit the wall when it visits Chicago, Illinois at Soldier’s Field from June 23-26, 2016. The event opens at 2pm on Thursday, June 23rd and is open 24/7 through Sunday, June 26th at 3pm. The Opening Ceremony is scheduled for Friday, June 24th at 10am.
VVA Chapter 311 Newsletter May June 2016
241st Army Birthday at Montford Point June 11
Chicago Memorial Day Parade Photos 2016
Memorial Day Programs 2016
Memorial Day Programs will be begin, Monday, May 30, 2016 at various times and locations. Honor America’s Heroes for their Duty, Honor, and Courage. Free and Open to the Public. Co-Hosted By the National Women Veterans United.
MPMA Chicago Chapter 2 50th Anniversary Banquet
The Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. (MPMA, Inc.) invites you to join
us as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, June 18, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois.
Labor Department announces final silica rule will save 600 lives a year
Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced a final silica rule that will save more than 600 lives a year and protect the health of thousands of others. This step is a long time coming. Awareness of the dangers of inhaling dust is almost as old as civilization itself – it goes back to stone-cutting in ancient Greece and Rome.