Flu season is here, and getting your flu shot has never been easier. Remember that getting vaccinated is the single best way to protect yourself, as well as your loved ones, against the flu virus. This year, enrolled Veterans of the VA health care system have several options to get a seasonal flu shot. VA offers more options, easy access, and seamless records – the choice is yours.
Naval Station Great Lakes October 2015 Fun Times is now available
Download the Naval Station Great Lakes October 2015 Fun Times.
VA Announces $12.8 Million in funding to Help the Homeless
September 29, 2015
VA Announces $12.8 Million in funding to Help the Homeless
Twenty Community Agencies to Benefit
WASHINGTON – Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald today announced $12.8 million in renewal funding through the Grant and Per Diem (GPD) program to 20 community agencies that currently provide transitional housing with supportive services … Continue Reading ››
Free Dental Care for Veterans
[gview file="http://www.coalitionofvets.org/ovc/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Free-Dental-Care-for-Veterans.pdf"]
Chicago Bears Ladies Night on October 19

Monday, October 19 at the United Club at Soldier Field for Chicago Bears Meijer Ladies Night! |
You can share your passion for the game of football plus learn more about the lives of your favorite … Continue Reading ››
Veterans Advisory News September 2015View the September 2015 Issue of the Veterans Advisory News. Casting Military Veterans Guys Grocery Games (Food Network Show)
Hello, my name is Jason Skweres and I’m one of the casting producers with, "Guys Grocery Games" on the Food Network. We are currently gearing up to cast the new season and we're hoping to meet the best of the best chefs from around the country.
We were contacting you today with regards to your association … Continue Reading ››
Naval Station Great Lakes September 2015 Fun Times is now availableHousing community for homeless veterans opens doors
HINES, Ill. (August 20, 2015) — Representatives from the Department of Veterans Affairs, local dignitaries, Veterans from all branches of the military, dedicated investors, the media, and members of many areas of the development team gathered today to mark the opening of Freedom’s Path at Hines, an affordable housing facility for homeless and disabled Veterans. … Continue Reading ››
White Sox Game Night September 11 2015The White Sox have dedicated Friday, September 11th to all those that serve and protect our Country. On this special day, the White Sox would like to offer specially priced tickets to all past and present members of the military, law enforcement, and fire protection, their … Continue Reading ››