The Walter Reed Foundation Retreats

The Walter Reed Foundation is sponsoring “Bridging the Gap Retreats” to support post 9/11 combat/deployment service  members and veterans and their caregiver or primary support  person in their journey of healing. This four-day relaxation and reconnection retreat, intended as a strong adjunct to VA/DoD  services, will take place at the Union League Club Chicago, Chicago,  Il. March 17-20, 2016. The goal is to continue the healing journey for  service members/veterans and their families with a program  focused on group support, education, stress-management skills and fun in a beautiful setting. Reconnect to self, peers, family, and  community. Enjoy relaxation, Shedd Aquarium private tour, tai chi,  ear acupuncture and learn relaxation skills. All activities are staffed  by experienced DoD and VA providers, service members/veterans /family in addition to community volunteers. Walter Reed Foundation is funding “Bridging the Gap Retreats”, in collaboration  with: Invisible Wound, Warriors at Ease, and the Institute for the  Health and Security of Military Families at Kansas State University,  Manhattan Kansas. Those who are interested in participating are  asked to submit an application – available at:

For additional information please email
*The Walter Reed Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization and not a part of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Health Care System.

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